A student entering Kindergarten should be able to:
Communication Skills
- Know information about oneself (name, birthday, phone number, parents’ names)
- Listen and follow directions
- Relate experiences and ask questions
- Speak with reasonable grammatical correctness and politeness
Personal Skills
- Button and unbutton, zip and unzip clothing
- Put on and remove outerwear and shoes
- Drink from a water fountain
- Take care of toilet needs without help
- Wash and dry hands well
- Eat neatly with a fork and spoon
- Large and Small Motor Skills
- Run, hop, skip, throw, and catch
- Build a tower with blocks
- Hold crayons and pencils with correct grip
- Correctly hold and use scissors
- Trace shapes
Social and Emotional Skills
- Share and take turns
- Sit quietly in a group
- Not interrupt when others are talking
- Participate in group activities
- Offer help to another child
- Feel good about self and be confident
Academic Skills
- Know shapes and colors
- Print one’s name (using upper and lower case letters correctly)
- Recognize all letters of the alphabet
- Count to 20
- Recognize numbers to 12
- Count objects to 10