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School-wide Spiritual Life

Our Catholic morals, values, and ethics are the foundation of our faith and are incorporated throughout our school curriculum. Through ongoing devotional activities and community service, students build their faith through Catholic traditions and service to others.

Liturgy and Prayer

St. Mary-Basha Catholic School believes that every student should have the opportunity to spend time with God every day. To achieve this, several tools are used and experiences planned. Liturgical services and daily prayer are a major part in the life of every SMB student. All students attend Holy Mass weekly and on Holy Days of Obligation, which occur when school is in session. Teachers also schedule time monthly in the chapel for students to attend Adoration. Confessions are scheduled multiple times each school year.
Each school day begins with the entire school gathering in Mary's Garden for prayer during the morning announcements. Additionally, prayer time is scheduled throughout the day. Students are encouraged to share their prayer intentions with the school community.

Catholic teachers teach religion every day. The school uses a diocesan-approved curriculum and recommended texts for religion and sacramental preparation.

Praying the rosary is highly encouraged, especially during the months of October and May. Students participate in special devotions such as Stations of the Cross during Lent, devotions during Advent, the Living Rosary, May Crowning, and classroom saint celebrations throughout the school year. Additionally, students participate in classroom and school service learning projects.

Community Service – Corporal Works of Mercy

Students are given opportunities throughout the school year to perform Corporal Works of Mercy. This includes some of the following activities:
  • St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive
  • Candy Collection for Chandler Police Dept. 
  • Additional In-class Projects

Religion Assessment

During the school year, students are evaluated in all grades through written and verbal assignments, reports, tests, and projects. Students are given religion grades on their report card in addition to their other academic work.

Sacramental Program

Parental involvement in the preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, the Eucharist, and Confirmation is strongly encouraged. Informational meetings for the parents are provided, as well as opportunities for continuing involvement.
  1. Reconciliation: Children are prepared for their first reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the second grade.
  2. Eucharist: First Holy Communion preparation occurs during the third grade.
  3. Confirmation: Preparation begins to take place during the third grade. Parents and sponsors are to be involved in this preparation. Students participate in a confirmation retreat prior to the reception of the sacrament.

Safe Environment Program

St. Mary-Basha Catholic School incorporates the principles of the diocesan Safe Environment Program into its overall curriculum during the school year. It is part of an ongoing effort to help create and maintain a safe environment for children and to protect all children from sexual abuse. 
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