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Why Choose Catholic Schools?

In planning for the future of Catholic Education, a number of studies have proven helpful in determining the effectiveness of Catholic schools. When comparing the Catholic population and the general American population, many studies indicate that Catholic schools are consistently produce students with the following:

    - Higher academic achievement
    - Better self-discipline
    - Greater job success and occupational achievement later in life 
    - A more positive and hopeful view of the world 
    - A stronger commitment to socially acceptable social behavior 
    - A greater interest in the common good 
    - A more positive attitude toward other groups in society 
    - More disciplined work habits
    - A greater likelihood of entering the colleges of their choice
    - A more sustained life-long academic interest
    - A more positive self-image

Studies indicate that Catholic school students: 
  • Over 99% of Catholic school students graduate.
  • ACT scores are in the top 25% nationally.
  • Over 96% of high school students go on to college.
  • Last year, over a quarter of a billion dollars in college scholarships were awarded to area students.
  • Catholic elementary students test from one to three grades higher on Iowa standardized tests.
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