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Physical Education

The Physical Education curriculum of skills and concepts promotes optimal development of physical, spiritual, and mental wellness among students. The program places emphasis on positive self-concept, social behavior, leadership ability, and moral development.  Resources utilized are a combination of many programs including, but not limited to, the Pangrazi and SPARK P.E. teaching methods. Each lesson is typically broken into three instructional parts: 1. fitness development activity; 2. lesson focus activities; 3. closing activity/game.

Physical Education Curriculum

Grades K-2 (Developmental Level 1) The joy and rewards of physical activity are stressed in order for students to develop behaviors that will last a lifetime. The majority of activities are individual in nature and center on learning movement concepts through theme development. Children learn movement principles and body management skills at this level.

Grades 3-4 (Developmental Level 2) Refinement of fundamental and specialized skills is emphasized. Practicing a variety of manipulative skills enhances visual-tactile coordination.  Students are given the opportunity to explore, experiment, and create activities. They are taught the how and why of activity patterns. Cooperation with peers is encouraged with more emphasis placed on group and team play. Initial instruction in sport skills is developed. Sport lead-up activities are utilized so students can apply newly learned skills in a group setting.

Grades 5-6 (Developmental Level 3) At this level, there is a shift toward specialized skills and sport activities. Students continue learning and improving sport skills while participating in cooperative games. Less emphasis is placed on movement concept activities and a larger percentage of instructional time is devoted to manipulative activity. Fitness routines are offered with instruction focused on helping students make decisions about personal approaches to maintaining fitness levels. 

Grades 7-8 (Developmental Level 4) Junior High P.E. is part of the elective program. Classes are designed for the duration of one trimester. Boys and girls are separated for physical education classes. A wide variety of activities are included from several categories based on student interests and developmental characteristics. These include: football, soccer, Pilates, dance, volleyball, basketball, street hockey, and lacrosse. Non-traditional sports include: ultimate Frisbee, gaga ball, and yard games.

Physical Education Grading Policy

Grading is based on the following rules and character traits listed under each Student Learning Expectation. Students begin class with 4 points; one for each SLE. Students may keep all 4 points for that class if, during PE class, students are an: 


The student will:

  • Begin and end class with a prayer
  • Make good moral choices
  • Think WhatWouldJesusDo?
  • Remember the GOLDEN RULE “In everything, do unto others as you would have them do to you” Matthew 7:12
  • Include others
  • Use your God given talents/gifts to the best of your ability
  • Use the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. 


The student will:

  • Respect the property and rights of others (personal space)
  • Take pride in physical education
  • Take care of facility and equipment
  • Put equipment away correctly
  • Use equipment for its intended purpose and only when instructed


The student will:

  • Cooperate with others
  • Listen to and follow directions
  • Stop and Freeze on the command
  • Work together to reach a consensus
  • Do his/her best even if the task is difficult
  • Participate in class and raise hand to speak


The student will:

  • Show respect to classmates
  • Use appropriate voice and non-verbal gestures
  • Listen to others
  • Ask for help when needed

Additional Jr. High Grading Expectations:  

Each class is worth 5 points; one point for each SLE and an additional point is earned when you come to class prepared wearing athletic shoes.

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